This is a volunteer driven project and we need YOU! Please reach out to [email protected] if you see a role on this list that overlaps with your passion and interest.

For Individuals

Role People Needed Learn More
Guiding Council 6 Untitled (
Pattern Library Curator 14 Untitled (
Workshop Host 4 - 12 bring a topic related to organizational design inspiration to our community
Lab Director 1 - 5 Untitled (
Lead a Research Project 1 - 4 advance the field of organizational design inspiration
Publish ideas unlimited articles on the topic of organizational design inspiration are welcome in our Medium publication, resource library, and to be shared with our community
Write Grants 1 - 4 we have a list of great opportunities, we just need help applying!
Make a Financial Donation unlimited

For Organizations

Partnership Type What that looks like
Sponsor You are a mission-aligned funder, grantor, or in-kind partner who can help us launch and scale our labs
Guides Program You offer consulting or facilitation services in organizational design and want to be a part of our directory. Untitled (
Trailblazers Program Your organization aims to cultivate an equitable, inclusive workplace. You are open to contributing your experience to research for the common good, in exchange for the opportunity to learn from other like-minded organizations. [launching 2024]
Sequencing Pilot Program Your organization wants to visualize and explore its operating system and whether it is fit for purpose. Participating organizations receive a report comparing their organizational design to peers, and inspiration for greater strategic fit.